Social Security Administration (San Francisco Region) Selective Placement Program

SSA’s Selective Placement Program assists qualified individuals with disabilities obtain non-competitive employment under the Schedule A hiring authority (appointments for individuals with mental retardation, severe physical disabilities or psychiatric disabilities). For consideration under Schedule A, please provide the following:

  • Resume (please include a detailed description of your duties, dates of employment (mm/dd/yy) and average number of hours worked per week for each job listed)
  • A copy of official or unofficial transcripts if substituting experience with education
  • Proof of Schedule A eligibility and Certification of job readiness from:
    - A licensed medical professional,
    - A licensed vocational rehabilitation specialist, or
    - Any federal agency, State agency, or an agency of the District of Columbia or U.S. territory that issues or provides disability benefits.
    Note: The certification of job readiness should state that you have the ability to perform the duties of the desired position(s) and is physically qualified to do the work safely.
  • Form HRC-88 indicating the location(s) and position(s) of interest. A copy of the position descriptions can be found in the back of form HRC-88. The certification source of job readiness will need a copy of the position descriptions in order to make their determination.

Please submit the requested information via:

Email SSA/Center for Human Resources

Fax - (510)970-2677

Attn: Selective Placement Program


Mail: SSA/Center for Human Resources
Staffing/Classification Team
Attn: Selective Placement Program
P O Box 4115
Richmond, CA 94804

If you have any questions, please contact Ed Pilapil at (510)970-2870.