New Medicare Premium Amounts for 2015

December 9, 2014

Each year, Medicare adjusts some of the expenses that Medicare beneficiaries pay. These expenses can include premiums, deductibles, and late enrollment penalties. Here are a few notable changes in expenses for the different parts of Medicare.

Part A:

  • If you have to pay a monthly premium, your premium will go down to $426 per month. Higher-income consumers may pay more.
  • The deductible for people with up to 60 days of Medicare-covered inpatient services in hospitals for each benefit period will go up to $1,260.

Part B:

  • Most people will pay a $104.90 premium each month in 2015, the same as in 2014.
  • The deductible will also stay the same, at $147.

Parts C and D:

  • The premiums depend on your plan.

Get more information about Medicare premiums in 2015.