Building Your Assets and Wealth


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Enrolling in Asset Development Programs

ABLE Accounts: California's ABLE account program is CalABLE. Learn more about ABLE accounts and compare different state ABLE programs at the ABLE National Resource Center.

Find an IDA program in California: Check out the DB101 list of IDA resources and the Prosperity Now IDA directory.

To apply for PASS: You will need to fill out a PASS application.

The PASS application is extensive. Social Security's PASS Cadres are PASS experts. We recommend that you follow up with a PASS Cadre for assistance. Their job is to help individuals formulate a plan and apply successfully for a PASS. Find a PASS specialist.

To enroll in the Family Self-Sufficiency Program (FSS): Enrollment is handled through the Public Housing Authority, so the first step towards enrolling in this program is to talk with your local Public Housing Authority. For more information on this program, go to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development website.

To take advantage of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC): Publication 596 is a comprehensive guide to the EITC, providing information on program rules, eligibility, qualifying children and other related topics. You can use the IRS EITC Assistant to help determine whether or not you qualify for an EITC.

To take advantage of the Childcare Tax Credit (CTC): For information about qualifying for the CTC, and links to forms related to the CTC, visit the IRS website.

Learn More

Tax Help: If you are on a limited income, do not pay someone to do your taxes. Use a Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Center to file. Specially trained volunteers will help you take advantage of the tax credits available to people with disabilities. Most centers can e-file your return for free. To find the nearest VITA site, visit this website, or call 1-800-906-9887.

Student Earned Income Exclusion (SEIE): For general information on the SEIE, start at Social Security’s website.

Protection and Advocacy

For other legal advocacy services for people with disabilities contact Disability Rights California. You can call toll free at 1-800-776-5746 or 1-800-719-5798 (TTY). Click here to visit them online.

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