Plan to Achieve Self-Support (PASS)

Suspending or Terminating a PASS

If a medical situation or some other issue comes up that impacts your ability to continue your PASS, talk to your PASS Cadre about your options.

In many cases, you will be allowed to put your PASS plan on hold for up to 12 months. You will need to contact your PASS Cadre to get it restarted. If you don’t restart your PASS after 12 months, Social Security will end it.

Here are some reasons why Social Security could put your PASS plan on hold or end it:

  • You become seriously ill.
  • You have a family emergency.
  • You don’t follow your plan and you fail to amend (change) it with your PASS Cadre.
  • You don’t follow your plan at all.
  • You don’t supply the PASS Cadre with timely information when it’s requested.
  • You don’t cooperate with your PASS Cadre.
Other reasons why your PASS may end
  • Your eligibility for SSI benefits ends.
  • Your PASS is on hold and you don’t restart it within 12 months.
  • You spend PASS funds on expenses that aren’t approved in your PASS. Note: If Social Security finds that you misused your PASS funds, they may require you to pay some or all of it back.
  • You achieve your work goal or have paid all related expenses. Yeah!

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