Social Security's Ticket to Work Program

Employment Networks (ENs)

Who They Are

A variety of organizations can serve as Employment Networks, including:

  • Employers
  • Employment Agencies
  • Chambers of Commerce
  • Nonprofit Organizations
  • America's Job Centers of California (formerly known as One-Stops)
  • Schools and Other Educational Institutions
  • Staffing and Placement Agencies
  • Development Disabilities Agencies
  • Mental Health Agencies
  • Centers for Independent Living

Choosing the EN that Is Right for You

Services vary from EN to EN. Be sure to contact the ENs in your area and the California Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) for a description of the services they provide. For a listing of the ENs in your area, search on their webpage. A benefits planner may also be able to recommend ENs near you.

Ask the Employment Networks about languages spoken and the types of disabilities they have experience working with. Some ENs may be strong in certain areas (for example, job skill training) but not as strong in others (for example, job referrals or job placement). Some ENs may assign you a counselor or caseworker; others may not. If you are having trouble deciding which EN to work with, contact a benefits planner.

When you talk to an EN, try using this worksheet offered by the Ticket to Work program. The worksheet will help you remember what questions to ask and what the EN's answers were.

You are free to talk with as many ENs as you like, and you don’t have to work with an EN simply because you have talked with them. And if you start working with an EN and are not satisfied with their services, you can change ENs. Another alternative: You can work with the California Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) instead.

Using a Different EN

If you decide you want to work with a different EN, you can send a letter asking the Ticket to Work program to un-assign your Ticket from your current EN. You will then have three months to assign your Ticket with a new EN or vocational rehabilitation agency. Your Ticket will stay in “in use” status during these three months. Your Ticket is considered to be assigned with the new EN when you sign your Individual Work Plan (IWP) with the new EN.

Becoming an Employment Network (EN)

There is no cost to become an Employment Network. SSA's Employment Network Contract Team (ENCT) can answer questions about the EN Request for Proposals, walk you through the EN contract award process, and help you complete your application. Call 1-866-584-5180 (voice), 1-866-584-5181 (TTY), or e-mail them for assistance.

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